Saturday, October 19, 2013

SWSG Sat Oct

 Sacramento Weavers & Spinners Guild Saturday Group met at the library in Davis, Calif. Our topic was SPINNING! We had a few members from the Davis Spinners Guild meet up with us. Above is a few of the members. I only got a few pictures taken this time.

Here is a few more people in our little circle of fiber. 

Kelly shows off a couple of gloves she is knitting. 

Erica from the Davis group is working on a knitted dress.

Betty from the Davis group is spinning some "berry colored" BFL roving on her Baynes spinning wheel.

Here Linda ia showing us how to use a nostepinde to make a center pull ball.

We discussed the mini-workshops coming up in November at the Tuesday Guild meeting. 

We also discussed other meeting locations as we are having challenges with the library rooms.

Next 3 months we have reservations for Arcade Library in Sacramento. Here is the list of topics for the next Saturday meetings:

Nov. - Card Weaving - Jenn
Dec. - Fiber Prep for spinning - Group
Jan. - Edge Finishing - Linda

Keep checking our web page for updates!

Have a good day!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Lambtown 2013

Lambtown USA, Dixon Calif, Where the entertainment begins early and continues all day! Above is Square Dancing with some members of the audience getting their first lesson!

Members of the Sacramento Weavers and Spinners Guild had a short meet up. Linda showed us a Louet "hatbox" spinning wheel she bought on ebay.

At Lambtown there is sheepdog trials. Above is two different dogs working.

This dog takes a cooling dip in the water trough after competing.

Local 4H is on hand to let people get up close with rabbits, goats, guinea pigs, and chickens.

Above are the three teams working on sheep to shawl contest. They all start with a bag of wool that they spin into yarn then weave into a shawl in a number of hours. The shawls are then judged for craftsmanship and wearability.

Here is the judging of the shawls. Judge is touching the shawl that eventually won. Congratulations to Hangtown Fibers Guild of Placerville, Calif.

 Here is the wool fleece judging contest. You can almost feel the electricity in the air.

It's Lindsey, Carol, and Jocelyn, old friends and Angora rabbit breeders. They have a booth packed with angora rabbit wool!

Carol has a Babe Electric Spinning Wheel. She was telling she has worn out 3 control pedals but it keeps on spinning. It unpacks small enough to be put into that picnic basket.

Some of the nice displays.

Neat spindles!

More colorful displays.

This is Aunt Janet's Fiber Mill display. This colorful wool rolags look like unicorn dreadlocks.

This is Marilyn Petch modeling a felted scarf she made with woodland theme. Notice the sparrow depicted on the right side.

There was food, there was games!

Top picture is a beginning spinner working her first drop spindle. Bottom is a couple of ladies with bagfuls of spinning to be done! And Lambtown USA runs again on Sunday!

It was a good day!