Saturday, December 15, 2012

SWSG Saturday Dec 2012

Dec 1 2012, meeting of the Saturday Group, Sacramento Weavers & Spinners Guild. The topic of the day is Angora Rabbit with speaker Erin Maclean. Because of the rainy weather, Erin did not bring a rabbit to show off. So above is a picture of some Angora rabbits that I used to have, just so you know what kind of rabbits we are discussing.

Because of the rainy weather, we had a small turnout. Here is Erin speaking to the group.

 Here is some of the items Erin explained and described. Erin raises German Angora rabbits. The wool is sheared regularly. Above Erin has brought some of the yarn she spins. There are felted hats and mittens, knitted scarves and socks. The angora wool is slick but has a lovely "halo." Blending with other fibers can add stretchiness.

 Felted fingerless mittens.

This knitted scarf was made with "blue" angora blended with grey leicester sheep wool in blend that Erin calls Silver Blizzard. 

 Erin shows off a felted scribble lace scarf made with angora wool.

It was a nice presentation on a rainy afternoon in Sacramento.

Erin Maclean's website is Bungalow Farm

The next meeting is January 12 (Sat) 1-4 pm at the Arcade Library
Linda York will show us how to read a weaving draft.

 You can follow our schedule at

It was a good day!


  1. Always love your pix and updates, Franco! You do such beautiful work.

  2. I'm so sorry I had to miss it! Next month I won't let silly storms keep me away!
