Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Green In Progress

Working on the leno details. Every so often I twist pairs of yarn. Since I can't find my pickup sticks I am using a ruler.

As I finish the leno row I use the ruler to hold the shed open and push the shuttle through. 

Here is a close up of the weaving. In between the leno is regular plain weave done with the rigid heddle.

More pictures later.
Have a good day!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Green Unknown Cone

Setting up the Cricket rigid heddle loom with this cone of yarn I found at the thrift shop for $3. The label says 3/13 Meadow Green, but does not show what kind of fiber. But let's just try it anyway. I found the yarn thickness is about 14 wraps to the inch so I am going to use the 12 epi heddle.

I am using a paper clip for threading through the heddle.  I can't find my little clamps but by warping from chair to chair through the heddle I can proceed. 

 Another view of the warp from chair to chair. I made the scarf 8 inches wide and about 7 ft long.

 Here is the ends at the warp beam. I tied the loops off the chair to the beam with string. I did groups of three loops.

I have one of the original design Cricket looms so the ratchet and pawl is on the inside of the frame. I want to be sure that I leave a few empty slots on the heddle at that side to avoid a lack of room to operate the heddle. Also be sure the warp beam stick is out of the way when winding.Notice the string wrapped around the bottom stick of the heddle. There is a string on each side to hold centered in frame to prevent the heddle from falling over during warping.

Here I use a book bag on the carpet as a deadweight while winding the warp onto the warp beam. Since the warp is 8 inch wide, I can use 8-1/2 by 11 inch paper as warp separators.  I write numbers on the papers so I know how many more sections I have to weave. I used 7 sheets for this piece, so about 77 inches.

I used some rope to tie the loom to the chair to stabilize it while I wind the warp onto the beam.  You can see the white paper warp separators.

I added some tape to my paper clip hook handle to make it more comfortable. I cut the loops on the cloth beam side. Each slot has two threads. I pulled one thread from the slot and put it through the adjacent hole. Then move to the next slot and across the heddle. I notice the stick shuttle does not have small slot on it. I cut a small slot to hold the thread when I get close the end of the supply on the shuttle.

I have to wrap this up. Here is the loom prepared. I have a couple of card strips and some white cotton yarn  to start the weaving. On the other side of the heddle is a couple of sticks to help the warp stay lined up as it goes through the heddle. The stick shuttle has been wound on the side with a figure eight pattern. This keeps a low profile on the yarn bundle to get through the low sheds on the heddle.

Next step is weaving!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

SWSG in Davis

Sacramento Weavers & Spinners Guild Saturday Group met on August 10 2013 at Mary L. Stephens Library (aka the Davis Branch of the Yolo County Library.Thanks Linda for finding a meeting place on short notice.

During our "show & tell" period Jude' showed off this roving and her Trindle spindle. She doesn't weave but uses the yarn in her knitting projects. She also passed around a sample of muskox she has been spinning. If you could just feel the softness.

You can view trindle at

Vonnie has a frame that she used to test some yarn for compatibility. Then she wove a narrow scarf with the yarn.

Linda showed a scarf she nuno felted at a workshop. It is beautiful. The log cabin placemat is a finished project.

Sara brought in a Weavette square loom. that has been in her family since the 1950s. It belonged to her grandfather who used it to make a blanket from the woven squares. Sara also visited with Cathy who is in physical rehab. Sara tells us Cathy is in good spirits and is making progress.

Lisa went to a dye class and brought a card with the dye results.

Susan brought the bag she wove on a rigid heddle loom with boucle yarn. She described the challenge of the bumpy yarn not going the easily through the heddle so she used a stick to beat the weft. The other piece she say is a fold scarf she created following a free pattern she found on the internet.

I couldn't help but notice the baskets people bring to meetings. From left to right: Jude', Linda, Vonnie

Our next Saturday Group meeting will be in Sacramento on Sept 21 2013 from 12-4 p.m.
Topic: Weaving 101, the public is invited as we give basic weaving lesson and show different styles of looms.

For more information see the Guild website

It was a good day!