On May 18 2013 it was the meeting of the Saturday Group of Sacramento Weavers and Spinners Guild at Arcade Library, Sacramento, CA From left to right Vonnie, Sue, Kathy, Janelle, and new spinner Kelly.
From left to right Connie, Linda, Jan, Peggy, Stephanie, Ardith. Not pictured is Jane, our membership chair who was sweet enough to come out to help us with with new memberships and renewals! Thank you Jane! Those kindnesses make us feel like we really are part of the big Guild.
After a few announcements it is time for Show and Tell! What have you been up to?!
Connie shows off her watermelon socks that she knitted.
Since our topic is fingerweaving Jan brought a wall hanging that she made back in the 70s. Its been hanging on her wall all this time.
Stephanie attended the Guild workshop last month with Bobby Irwin on "Shimmering Colors - The Magic of Iridescence" She brought the sample pieces. These picture do not fully convey the subtle color effects of the piece.
Peggy brought a couple of shawls she made on a rigid heddle loom.
Ardith didn't like her yarn until she combined it with other yarn. The green face and eyes are part of the carpet at the library.
Kathy showed off the knitting she has been working on.
Kelly is a new spinner and she is just getting started on the obsession.
Janelle is working on upcycling materials. She is holding a basket she crocheted with medical tubing and plastic. It is sterile material that was stored past its shelf life and would end up in the landfill if she didn't do something with it. She also has a water bottle holder with strap that she made from video tape.
Our project was finger weaving using pencils and cardboard frames Here is some of our results.
Next meeting is June 29, 1-4 PM Arcade library
Visit our webpage for schedules
It was a good day!
Other items of interest
Kathy said she loved the roving she got back from Morro Fleece Works
A Manual Of Fingerweaving
by Robert J Austin
Published 2000, Crazy Crow Trading Post
ISBN 1-929572-00-X
Finger Weaving: Indian Braiding
by Alta R Turner
Published 1973 by Sterling Publishing
Reprinted 1989 by Cherokee Publications
ISBN 0-935741-13-5
previous ISB 0-8069-5264-4
The Basic Book Of Fingerweaving
by Esther Warner Dendel
Published 1974 by Simon & Schuster
ISBN 071-21697-X
Fingerweaving Untangled
by Carol James
I love Carol James book. It's the perfect book for
beginners with enough advanced patterns to keep you
busy for a long time. You can't beat the color pictures
and diagrams showing the hand movements.
You can order at this site: