Saturday, October 19, 2013

SWSG Sat Oct

 Sacramento Weavers & Spinners Guild Saturday Group met at the library in Davis, Calif. Our topic was SPINNING! We had a few members from the Davis Spinners Guild meet up with us. Above is a few of the members. I only got a few pictures taken this time.

Here is a few more people in our little circle of fiber. 

Kelly shows off a couple of gloves she is knitting. 

Erica from the Davis group is working on a knitted dress.

Betty from the Davis group is spinning some "berry colored" BFL roving on her Baynes spinning wheel.

Here Linda ia showing us how to use a nostepinde to make a center pull ball.

We discussed the mini-workshops coming up in November at the Tuesday Guild meeting. 

We also discussed other meeting locations as we are having challenges with the library rooms.

Next 3 months we have reservations for Arcade Library in Sacramento. Here is the list of topics for the next Saturday meetings:

Nov. - Card Weaving - Jenn
Dec. - Fiber Prep for spinning - Group
Jan. - Edge Finishing - Linda

Keep checking our web page for updates!

Have a good day!

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