This is a failed warp. I started it in June. It was supposed to become some more dishtowels on the backstrap loom. See this link. I had problems with loose warps from the beginning. I tried to adjust the tension. That did not work. So I tried to work with it to see if I could "force" it to behave.
On this closer look you can how this bad warp could not be fixed. The floats. The uneven fell line. The crooked shape. The uneven tension. So I will unweave this warp and wind up the yarn and put it aside for a while. I can't fix this even though in my mind I thought I could. I'll start over again and this time warp it properly instead of just throwing it together. It was impatience that got me started off badly.
In the words of Harry Callahan "A man's got to know his limitations."
Have a good day!
The next one will be perfect!
Hi Franco- why do you think this warp went bad? In the link it looks like you had it set up well - was it the storing it do you think?
Hi ieva, thank you for the encouragement.
Hi NESL, The look is deceiving. When I turned the warp to wind on to the loom bars, I found some shortness on one side of the warp so the bars are crooked to begin with. Then where the color changes, I had some loose warps. Also where color changes, I missed the cross so there was a dropped warp so I was getting two warps together. When I set it up, there was mistakes and I thought I could fix it as I wove, but I was wrong. I should have taken the time to do it over and do it right.
Have a good day!
Hi Franco- I forgot to sign my post as me- Laurie - When I run into similar problems, I have cut the warp ends and tied them on individually. It ruins the edge, but that way I can keep the project and just cut the warps to equal lengths. I don't seem to have much patience for the getting the warp threads exactly even in length.
Hi Laurie, Cutting the warp ends is one option. I finished unweaving the weft last night. I'll take another look at the warp before I pull it apart. Maybe I can cut and tie like you said to save it.
I might undo the warp and rewind to get something different in the warp colors too.
Have a good day!
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