From right to left, we have Betsy showing some baskets she wove and she dyed to get the different colors. There is Connie with a lovely drop spindle, Ardeth with a vintage Clemes & Clemes wheel. That's Linda with her Schacht 15 inch 4 harness table loom trying to finish off a second set of rep weave place mats she has been working on for many weeks. And Debra is spinning some alpaca from her animals on an Ashford Traditional.
From right to left, Linda and Debra again, then Vonnie is giving drop spindle spinning tips to Stephanie and Monica who brought their drop spindles.
From right to left, Arlene brought a drop spindle, Susan is passing some of the chunky "art" yarns she likes to spin to Cathy who is sitting with her Nagy wheel from New Zealand.
Linda also brought her Spindolyn, a supported spindle that sits in a wood block. She likes the concept but it does not spin long enough for her liking.
Vonnie is using a supported spindle here with a margarita glass for support.
Susan shows us some of the newspaper she spun on a drop spindle for a project.
Hooray! Linda finished off her placemats and cut them off for hemming!
In the blue sweater, Ardeth is spinning on her Clemes & Clemes Modern spinning wheel. She says it was considered modern when she bought it 30 years ago.
Here is another picture of Debra spinning alpaca on her Ashford Traditional. Debra also brought some nut bread for us to snack on.
And the other Sue missed getting her picture taken but we got a picture of her Ashford Traveller spinning wheel. She showed us the cotton she is spinning with it.
Betsy said another weaver was cleaning her studio and sent these items for anyone who wanted them. I took the little blue loom in the upper right.
Because we had 4 hours of time instead of 2 hours we were able to work and chat until we pretty much chatted ourselves out.
Our schedule can be seen at the Guild website
The Saturday Group is part of Sacramento Weavers and Spinners Guild
It was a good day!
Love your post! I had a blast at my LYS's monthly spin-in yesterday, too!
Hi Franco, I feel that I was sitting in this room. But, I can´t taked any frame! That is unfair. Greetings to your friends. Graciela
It was a fun day, I really enjoy the group. Debra
A couple of years ago I was trying to get a fiber group started that fit my hours as a 9 to 5 paid employee. This Saturday Group is literally a dream come true for me. And having the support of the Guild means this is not a one person project, but is shared among the members. Without Linda, Betsy, Wil, Jan, Stefanie, Susan, and other members we would not be where we are now. It's wonderful!
Thank you for the loom. I took the metal one next to yours, Franco. And as soon as I got home, I made a potholder. Thanks for the memories. I had the same type of loom when I was a child. The plus? It's my speed! Hahahaha. I do enjoy this group because everyone has a lot of passion for fiber arts. The big plus is that you are willing to share what you know. Thanks to all of you, and looking forward to the show next month.
Great post, Franco! Thanks for the photo tour of the spinners and the spinning wheels, too. Wishing you all a lovely year, and beyond, as you work and spin and chat together.
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