Thursday, November 24, 2011

Spanish Lace SWSG

Tuesday of this week (11/22/2011) was the monthly meeting of Sacramento Weavers and Spinners Guild. November is the month that the Guild hosts mini-workshops on various crafts like dying, felting, basket weaving, spinning wheels, and rigid heddle weaving. I took the workshop on rigid heddle weaving with Robin Lynde. She taught us how to the warp rigid heddle loom, Italian Hemstitching, Danish Medallions, some warp floats/weft float technique and she showed me how to do the Spanish Lace technique! That's the sample I did in class up on my Cricket Rigid Heddle loom.

It was a good day!


Noreen Crone-Findlay said...

That's beautiful, Franco!
Isn't the Cricket a wonderful loom?
Have you seen Jane Patrick's book on the Rigid Heddle loom? It's full of awesome techniques. I think that you'd enjoy it.
Happy Weaving!

Anonymous said...

I really enjoy your blog posts. I love experimenting with my Cricket too but just don't seem to have the time because I flit from one project to another.

Unknown said...

I understand. That's why it helps to keep a warp on the Cricket so you can grab it and go to work.