Rancho Cordova CA Fiber Arts meeting report 9/24/10
6:30pm Arrived at library to set up the room. Laid out some woven items, a
Cricket rigid heddle loom, an Erica rigid heddle loom, a Harrisville lap loom, a
couple of drop spindles, some handspun yarn samples, some samples of
fingerweaving. Posted a couple of notices on the glass doors.
7:00 Open door to meeting room that connects to the library. People were
wandering around the library. I pulled out a drop spindle to spin while I
waited. Meeting was scheduled for 7:00 to 8:30
7:15 First visitor showed up. Two kids who wanted to see what all the stuff was
for. So I showed them the stuff, answered questions, showed them how to use a
drop spindle, how to use the Cricket loom, and the lap loom. One girl took to
the Cricket loom right off because she said she had seen it done before.
7:30 Another kid shows up and she starts working on the lap loom. By this time I
am realizing I need little cardboard looms for kids to use and take home with them.
I'll try to have some next time.
7:45 An adult woman drops in to see what I was doing and said she couldn't stay
but she grabbed an information flyer and said she'll try to be back next month.
7:55 Library closes at 8:00 pm and the kids have to go home with parents. So I
start putting stuff away since there was no one else there.
8:10 Take stuff to the car and go home.
Notes: Need to advertise the meetings. Need to have some prepared projects for
Have a good day!
Franco Rios
Rancho Cordova Fiber Arts Coordinator
Upcoming events:
Sacramento Weavers & Spinners Guild
Sat Oct. 23. 10:00 am to Noon
Arcade Public Library, 2443 Marconi Ave
A resource for spinners and weavers
Church of the Nazerene -
Fiber Arts Presentation by Franco Rios
Sept 29, 2010 Wednesday evening 7 pm
3520 Bradshaw Rd, Sacramento, CA - (916) 363-0364
Next Rancho Cordova Fiber Arts meeting
Oct 14, 2010, Thursday, Spinning for Beginners, drop spindles, plying,
Nov 15, 2010, Monday, Weaving for Beginners on simple looms
Dec 2010 Holiday Break (no meeting)
(schedule updated 9/10/2010)